Conjugación de travel by plane [v.]
-travel by plane
Itravel by plane
youtravel by plane
hetravels by plane
wetravel by plane
youtravel by plane
theytravel by plane
Itravelled by plane
youtravelled by plane
hetravelled by plane
wetravelled by plane
youtravelled by plane
theytravelled by plane
Iwilltravel by plane
youwilltravel by plane
hewilltravel by plane
wewilltravel by plane
youwilltravel by plane
theywilltravel by plane
Ihavetravelled by plane
youhavetravelled by plane
hehastravelled by plane
wehavetravelled by plane
youhavetravelled by plane
theyhavetravelled by plane
-travelling by plane
-travelled by plane
Otras palabras (mismo modelo) :
travel by gondola pal up with compel to travel by air travel by travel along expel from travel back travel by plane travel to travel rapidly pal up excel in travel around excel at travel purposefully