Conjugación de sag down [v.]
-sag down
Isag down
yousag down
hesags down
wesag down
yousag down
theysag down
Isagged down
yousagged down
hesagged down
wesagged down
yousagged down
theysagged down
Iwillsag down
youwillsag down
hewillsag down
wewillsag down
youwillsag down
theywillsag down
Ihavesagged down
youhavesagged down
hehassagged down
wehavesagged down
youhavesagged down
theyhavesagged down
-sagging down
-sagged down
Otras palabras (mismo modelo) :
plug up rig up drag through the mud plug into drag along bug out frig around beg for alms drag out tag along behind fog up log off leg it fag out wag the tail tog out shrug off beg for tog up plug away ... (55 palabras)