Conjugación de pal up [v.]
-pal up
Ipal up
youpal up
hepals up
wepal up
youpal up
theypal up
Ipalled up
youpalled up
hepalled up
wepalled up
youpalled up
theypalled up
Iwillpal up
youwillpal up
hewillpal up
wewillpal up
youwillpal up
theywillpal up
Ihavepalled up
youhavepalled up
hehaspalled up
wehavepalled up
youhavepalled up
theyhavepalled up
-palling up
-palled up
Otras palabras (mismo modelo) :
travel by gondola pal up with compel to travel by air travel by travel along expel from travel back travel by plane travel to travel rapidly pal up excel in travel around excel at travel purposefully