Conjugación de invert the order of [v.]
-invert the order of
Iinvert the order of
youinvert the order of
heinverts the order of
weinvert the order of
youinvert the order of
theyinvert the order of
Iinverted the order of
youinverted the order of
heinverted the order of
weinverted the order of
youinverted the order of
theyinverted the order of
Iwillinvert the order of
youwillinvert the order of
hewillinvert the order of
wewillinvert the order of
youwillinvert the order of
theywillinvert the order of
Ihaveinverted the order of
youhaveinverted the order of
hehasinverted the order of
wehaveinverted the order of
youhaveinverted the order of
theyhaveinverted the order of
-inverting the order of
-inverted the order of
Otras palabras (mismo modelo) :
happen on twist around land in act involuntarily play chess snow under invest money in pump out walk around freeload off call it even fast dye scour off palm off onto bomb up mound over play possum foist off bowl over flood out ... (2030 palabras)