sing. | / |
plur. | faithful |
Otras palabras (mismo modelo) :
adnexa civvies people of voting age railways by-elections dead hands of the past linguini Homaridae affairs variable costs bloc arms copious data operations dried eggs stewed apples pay negotiations kitchen scissors pork scratchings call changes Zonuridae ... (3474 palabras)
sing. | faithful |
plur. | faithfuls |
Otras palabras (mismo modelo) :
compulsory education quinoxalin troll pawn glaive jet pump inthronization Glisson's rule computer centre election judge military buildup first-timer nut cutlet figurehead summit camp aleuriospore assailer tentative contract transparence neep ... (105059 palabras)
Parts of speech:
adj. adjective
n. noun
v. verb
sing. singular
plur. plural
pos. positive
comp. comparative (more)
super. superlative (the most)