Conjugación de cut into pieces [v.]
-cut into pieces
Icut into pieces
youcut into pieces
hecuts into pieces
wecut into pieces
youcut into pieces
theycut into pieces
Icut into pieces
youcut into pieces
hecut into pieces
wecut into pieces
youcut into pieces
theycut into pieces
Iwillcut into pieces
youwillcut into pieces
hewillcut into pieces
wewillcut into pieces
youwillcut into pieces
theywillcut into pieces
Ihavecut into pieces
youhavecut into pieces
hehascut into pieces
wehavecut into pieces
youhavecut into pieces
theyhavecut into pieces
-cutting into pieces
-cut into pieces
Otras palabras (mismo modelo) :
split off let up put down on shut away put into practice let bygones be bygones let sth. take its course put on a mask put up for auction put ammunition into put in quotes set back put to sea shut down put off set against cut corners let finish speaking put over put in check ... (281 palabras)